FCRES Classrooms

teddy bearMs. Branning's Pre-K

Welcome to Pre-K!


Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns. You can call the office or email me at
We will learn the characteristics of insects and how they can be harmful and beneficial.
We are learning the color song for black and learning the rhombus shape. Fine motor skills will include holding a crayon and using glue and using scissors.  We will read stories about insects.


Remember that cough drops or any other medicine is only to be given by the nurse with a doctor's note.

Please remember to label all clothing and bookbags with your child's name. Extra clothes should also be in school. 

 Students eat breakfast consisting of cereal, graham crackers, fruit or juice, and milk. They also receive a snack and milk. White milk will be served for breakfast and lunch and snack.
Cargo pants, flip flops, and open toed shoes are not appropriate dress code. Leggings are to be worn under dresses. Ripped or torn jeans are not allowed.

Have a great week!  


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