FCRES Classrooms

Daily Classroom Guidelines/Procedures:

1. Students are to enter the classroom in the morning an orderly manner with the necessary supplies each day. (Necessary supplies include: books, completed homework, notebooks/journals, pencil, etc.)

2. Students are to sit in assigned seats and quietly begin morning Math or Reading work for the day.

3. Students are to listen carefully and actively participate in the daily lesson of each subject.

4. Students are to raise their hand and politely wait to be acknowledged by teacher. Lesson-related questions and comments are always encouraged! =) 

5. Students are not allowed to walk around classroom during guided instruction time. No inappropriate interruptions will be tolerated.

6. Students are to respect themselves and others at all times. No touching other students or other students’ property at any time. Teacher’s desk and personal property are off limits to students.

7. Students should follow the school "cool-tools" in the cafeteria, bathroom, playground, and hallway. 

8. Students are to leave the classroom in an orderly manner. Our classroom is to remain as neat and clean as possible. 

Classroom Rules:

  • Respect yourself, teachers, and all others inside and outside of the classroom
  • Follow all directions the first time
  • Work at an appropriate noise level
  • Use class time wisely
  • Be prepared for class

Positive Behavior Intervention Support: 

Failure to follow the classroom rules, guidelines, and/or procedures will result in:

First Offense- Verbal Warning 

Second Offense- Stop and Think (10 minute recess loss)

Third Offense- Parent Call/Guidance

Fourth Offense-  Principal Visit

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