FCRSD Health and Physical Education

The Weller Health Education Center takes preventive health education to a high level for parents and students. Weller Health Education Center offers Kids & Parents important health information on: nutrition and fitness, drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention, growth and development, character education and hygiene. Weller Health information meets State Department of Education Academic Standards. Check out the following articles below from the Weller Health Education Center:

Carbohydrates & Sugar - every Parent and Kid should know!

Learning about Calories


Food Guide Pyramid becomes a Plate

Eating for Sports

Why Exercise is Cool


A Kid's Guide to Eating Right

Do Allergies Cause Asthma?


Handling a Asthma Flareup

Your Muscles

Getting Muscles

fitness for kids who don't like sports

train your temper

what kids say about their health

five ways to avoid sports injuries


how to take care of your teeth

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